Find Domain Registrar

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Domains names are registered through a domain registrar. You can manage a domain's ownership, nameservers, and other settings through its registrar. A whois search will identify the registrar for your domain name.

Registrar Whois Search

To find out where a domain is registered, you can perform a whois search on the domain.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your domain name (ie., do not include www
  3. Press Enter on your keyboard
  4. The domain's whois record will appear
  5. Scroll down and you will see the Registrar, which is the company providing your domain name

Contact Support

We generally respond within hours on weekdays. Holidays and weekends may take longer.

Safety Tips

Protect Your Password
Never share your password. We will never ask for it.

Beware of Scams
Don't be tricked into renewing domains with a company that has no right. A domain can only be renewed through our website.
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